Name:Yao Zhang
Education Experiences:
2002, Ph. D, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
1998, M. S., Institute of Metallic Materials and Technology, Dalian Maritime University, China
1995, B. S., School of Material Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Research Interests:
Complex hydrides for reversible hydrogen storage: their synthesis, phase structures, reaction pathways and performances.
Professional Experiences:
2004.11.01-2013.02 research staff, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010.04.29-2010.07.29 visiting scholar, Institute of Hydrogen Research (IRH), Université Du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada
2002.08.01-2004.09.16 postdoctoral fellow, Energy Electronics Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industry of Science and Technology (AIST) in Tsukuba, Japan
Representative Papers:
1. Yao Zhang*, Francois Morin, Jacques Huot*, “The Effects of Ti-based additives on the Kinetics and Reactions in LiH/MgB2 Hydrogen Storage System”,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2. Yao Zhang*, Qifeng Tian, Hailiang Chu, Jian Zhang, Shusheng Liu, Lixian Sun, “The dehydrogenation reactions and kinetics of 2LiBH4-Al composite”,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 18424-18430.
3. Yao Zhang*, Qifeng Tian, Hailiang Chu, Jian Zhang, Lixian Sun, Juncai Sun, Zhongsheng Wen, “Hydrogen de/re-sorption properties of LiBH4-MgH2-Al system”,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 21964-21969.
4. Yao Zhang*, Qi-Feng Tian, Shu-Sheng Liu, Li-Xian Sun, “The destabilization mechanism and de/re-hydrogenation kinetics of MgH2-LiAlH4 hydrogen storage system”,Journal of Power Sources, 185 (2008) 1514-1518.
5. Yao Zhang*, Wan-Sheng Zhang, Mei-Qiang Fan, Shu-Sheng Liu, Hai-Liang Chu, Yan-Hua Zhang, Xiu-Ying Gao, Li-Xian Sun, “Enhanced hydrogen storage performance of LiBH4-SiO2-TiF3 composite”,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (2008) 4005-4010.
6. Yao Zhang*, Wan-Sheng Zhang, Ai-Qin Wang, Li-Xian Sun, Mei-Qiang Fan, Hai-Liang Chu, Jun-Cai Sun and Tao Zhang, “LiBH4 nanoparticles supported by disordered mesoporous carbon: Hydrogen storage performances and destabilization mechanisms”,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 3976-3980.