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Name:Yong Shen Chua


Date of Birth:1984.9.4


Education Experiences:

2011-2014: post doctorate, 1901, DICP

2007-2011: Postgraduate (PhD) in Chemistry, National University of Singapore.

- Materials for Hydrogen Storage

2002-2006: Bachelor of Science (Industrial Chemistry), Technology University of Malaysia

- Dean's list - 2002 to 2006

- Dean's Award in 37th. Convocation, 2006

Research interests:

(1) Postgraduate University Name: National University of Singapore

Project Title: Materials for Hydrogen Storage

Description: Investigation of potential hydrogen storage materials which can safely and efficiently store hydrogen for both onboard and off board applications.

i) Use of complex hydride (LiAlH4) and ammonia borane (NH3BH3) as one of the reactants in hydrogen storage investigation.

ii) Synthesis of new B-N based high H2content hydrogen storage materials.

iii) Exploring new reversible H2storage materials.

(2) Summer Research Progrom

Participate in Summer Research Institute (SRI) program in Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).

Publication / Award / Presentation:

2007: Poster presentation in Singapore International Chemical Conference 5 (SICC-5).

2009: Poster presentation in 1st Singapore Hong Kong Bilateral Graduate Student Congress in Chemical Science (Best Poster Award)

2009: Poster presentation in 2009 MRS Fall Meeting (Boston)

(1)Y.S. Chua, G.T. Wu, Z.T. Xiong, A. Karkamkar, J.P. Guo, M.X. Jian, M.W. Wong, T. Autrey, P. ChenChemical Communications.DOI: 10.1039/c0cc01260b

(2)Y.S. Chua, G.T. Wu, Z.T. Xiong, T. He, P. ChenChemistry of Materials2009, 21, 4899.

(3)Z.T. Xiong, Y.S. Chua, G.T. Wu, L. Wang, M.W. Wong, T. Autrey, T. Kemmitt, P. ChenDalton Transactions2010, 22, 3.

(4)Z.T.Xiong, Y.S. Chua, G.T. Wu, W.L. Xu, P. Chen, W. Shaw, A. Karkamkar, J. Linehan, T. Smurthwaite, T. AutreyChemical Communications2008, 5595.

(5)Z.T. Xiong, G.T. Wu, Y.S. Chua, J.J. Hu, T. He, W.L. Xu, P. ChenEnergy & Environmental Science2008, 1, 360.

(6)X.L. Zheng, W.L Xu, Z.T. Xiong, Y.S. Chua, G.T. Wu, S. Qin, H. Chen, P. ChenJournal of Material Chemistry2009, 19, 8426.

(7)J.J. Hu, Y.F. Liu, G.T. Wu, Z.T. Xiong, Y.S. Chua, P. ChenChemistry of Materials2008, 20, 4398.

(8)X.L. Zheng, Z.T. Xiong, S.Qin, Y.S. Chua, H. Chen, P. ChenInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy2008, 33, 3346.

Leisure activities:badminton, tennis, volleyball, bowling

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